Living Freedom

If you're reading this I say, "YES" to you!  Yes, you're worth it.  Yes, you deserve it.    

Living Freedom is about speaking your truth.  You see the "V" in my brand logo? It represents Veritas.  In Roman mythology, Veritas, meaning truth, is the goddess of truth.  It was believed that she hid in the bottom of a holy well because she was so elusive.  When you combine the meaning of Veritas with the meaning of elusive you get something so compelling.  Truth is difficult to find, catch, and achieve. Sometimes we mistake the loss, trauma, and fear we have experienced in life as our truth and allow it to define us.

When you begin to break down the walls (or lies) you’ve built or believed for protection, you will begin to see the true you. Coming out of hiding and speaking my truth has given me power and strength beyond what I imagined possible.  I began to look in the mirror and speak my truth.  I'm intelligent.  I'm loved.  I'm worthy. I can.  I will.  Watch me.  

 Is your truth hiding deep in your holy well? Living Freedom can be your reality.  You too can find success, peace, and joy.  Your truth, your Veritas, is your choice.  Choose yourself, you're so worthy of knowing you. Lets find your truth.  Lets bring it to the surface and allow yourself to experience what Living Freedom feels like.


